About me

Portrait Image Of Skirmante

My name is Skirmante and I care about supporting people in moving towards their preferred futures with ease. I appreciate your curiosity and time to know more about me. I am a solution focused practitioner (not a medical one). I bring solution-focus model to practice through coaching conversations, webinars, online courses and consulting people who seek support in managing stress and want a transformation. Being passionate about neuroscience, I consult my clients for neuroscience-based tools to support wellbeing and create desired change. Sharing what is available from Applied Neuroscience for better human life is something I care about and truly enjoy. To understand what coaching is and is not, please take a deeper look here.

What can I support you with, specifically?

I can guess some concrete examples could shed more light on what exactly we can accomplish working together. Here are some of the things I can be your thinking partner on:

  • Your whole wellbeing – mind, body, social life.
  • Setting goals and making important decisions.
  • Personal and career transformation.
  • Support during a transitioning phase in your life.
  • Skills to manage stress, burnout and busy life.
  • ….What else is important to you?

Coaching is a personalized process for the desired outcome you want to achieve.

How I transitioned to being a coach

Usually, a coaching profession is not a starting point in career, but rather an outcome of a personal transformation. You can guess, I am not an exception to this. 

As most coaches, I transitioned to coaching with a library of different career and life experiences. There was an evident journey, so to say, and I am thankful for all the unexpected turns in my life as this allowed me to learn something new.

Having my BSc in Economics-Finance I spent quite some time leading small teams in Financial corporate back in Lithuania. Although I enjoyed working with great people, inspiring leaders and was growing as a professional - eventually I faced a Burnout. With a big "B".

My body and brain went 'bankrupt' in energy. I was exhausted and decided - it's time for a big shift.

It wasn’t an easy decision, as I struggled to see any other possibilities. I simply could not imagine any possibilities - happens so - a "burnt out brain" turns into a "desert".

It is said that "two brain is better than one".

Well, since I couldn't grow a second one myself - I opened up for another human brain and was encouraged to take on an adventure. A life changing one!

All the way from Lithuania to a monastery-yoga-meditation center in South India.

The change that happened there was "a deep dive" - a tremendous amount of patience and trust I had to find in me and let go of many beliefs that did no longer serve me.

I saw first hand what profound change yoga and meditation practices can make to people. How beliefs and mindsets can transform and willpower can be upgraded to power of willingness and joy.

With a lot of discoveries about myself and full of best hopes to unfold even more I headed to the Netherlands.

Here in the beautiful city of The Hague, that is now my home, I helped human right defenders NGO to create an Emotional Support & Wellness program.

With the creation of this program, I knew fully and completely - “solution focused” approach and coaching is my way to support others in their transformation and wellbeing.

Great coaching and neuroscience programs supported my transition and today that knowledge is shaped into practical tools for people and conversations that create "aha!" moments and moments of appreciation.

My change wasn't very easy at first, but later I learned - change doesn't need to be difficult. Your intention to change can happen without tension, but instead with sense of meaning and ease.

Always keep your best hopes with you and move towards your preferred future.